
Thursday, December 13, 2007

To Roadies...the Umpa Lumpa's of Death metal!!

According to my estimates, approximately 1 person in a billion will be born this year with the talent and drive to reach the zenith of hard rock stardom. Who knows what strands of fate and destiny must intertwine to cause such an event to take place? Truly you could travel the universe for eternity and not find it's equal. But this machine of heavy metal cogs and camshafts is oiled with one all important lubricant....the Roadie. For those unfamiliar with the term a "Roadie" is any individual who performs the behind the scenes work for any band. Upon entering the world of the roadie, the individual forfeits all their rights as a human being, and becomes an object owned by the band and must do anything they say. A roadie on his first gig might be asked to eat all the cigarette butts off a stage before the band goes on to ensure adequate traction while they rock the crowd to their very souls. Legendary roadie Miles "Meat Whistle" Hancock reported that a monster rocker, who he insisted remain nameless, made him try out eating the heads of many various small animals testing them all for safety and rating their "tastyness" until said rocker finally chose the bat as his signature victim.

But I don't wish to paint the roadie with just a single brush. They are a rich and diverse community of hard core rockers who would do anything to see their favorite bands play. They are the carnies of the music world. Their tireless efforts often going unnoticed and unappreciated by the millions of fans who pack themselves into these venues every year. Living off the food people leave behind, checking every single roach on the ground for just one more hit, wearing clothing that was tossed aside in a moment of hard rock frenzy....these road warriors scrape a living any way they can. You don't become a roadie for the money. Often times bands will be so constantly high that they will forget to pay their roadies for months. "I usually send about 8 bucks to each of my 74 children who live across the world for child support" says Metallica roadie Kevin "Forehead" McCallister. "But some months the band forgets to pay me, and I have to send them things I find on the ground ". This sounds shocking until he explains "but people toss out some totally sweet s***, like once I found a Taco Bell bag, and there were 3 Gorditas that no one had even, this is a sweet gig some times"!

So ladies and gentleman, I would ask you to please be upstanding as we raise our bottles of Crown Royal that we stole from our mom's boyfriend Steve's Roadies!

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Silly Rabbit....Trixter is for Badasses!

I have long suspected that I have powers that reach well beyond this mundane existence into a realm of magic and awesomeness. As I blew out my birthday candle this year on the triple decker ice cream birthday explosion from PJ McFudgeingtons Ice Creamatorium, I called my powers to my aid. My mind focused on the one true wish of my heart....please let Trixter re-unite for one last tour this year. I opened my eyes not knowing that the powers of the cosmos would hear my wish and conspire to grant aforementioned wish. But today....this most splendid of days...I found out my wish was to come true. Trixter has indeed announced that they will re-unite for one last glorious tour to be known as the "Give it to you good" tour.
My sources have revealed inside information to me that the "Give it to me ok", and "Give it to me sufficiently" tour names were also considered. But, upon consulting a marketing agency the band learned that consumers like things that are "good", and hence the name was finalized.
People these days are so quick to judge. They say things like "well. maybe the band shouldn't have gone 8 years in between albums from 1984 to 1992" or "Maybe if lead vocalist Peter Loran could have teased that rock-fro out just 3 more inches, they would have been more popular". I would like to smite these people down with my "Sceptre of Holy Might" which has +3 to damage to all non-troll humanoids....unless of course I roll double 6's in which case I have to do a single dice roll and score higher than a 4 to avoid taking 1 D6+8 magic damage.....cause seriously, they piss me off! Did Picasso paint more than one painting....NO. Did Shakespeare write more than 1 play...NO. So why are people baggin on Trixter for only really making one album?? Did you ever stop to consider the amount of Hard Rock nuclear fission would have to be expended to create a song like Surrender or One in a Million? I wouldn't be one bit surprised to learn that some entity had traveled back in time from the future to warn Trixter that their music was too awesome and that humanity isn't ready for it's message thereby averting some sort of tragedy that the awesomeness of their music created. I personally thank the rock gods every day that Trixter only made one album, probably saving humanity.
So, lets raise our goblets of homemade raisin wine,clear our schedules, and prepare to have our faces rocked off by Glam Rocks most under appreciated band.